Graphic designer of today:
Paula Scher:
Scher is an American graphic designer and illustrator who is a principal at
Pentagram. In 1970 she began designing for the music business. Much of her work
was for the theatre or dance or other forms of popular culture. After CBS
records she worked for a seven years with Terry Koppel, a magazine designer.
Paula Scher is known for the identities/logos like citi,
windows 8, highline park and many more. Paula Scher produce environmental design like the new jersey performing arts center and the first endeavour school. Paula Scher has some work that looks like Dada for example this poster:
movements that Paula Scher is inspired from Constructivism, Futurism and Dada. She
is also inspired from Seymour Chwast and pushpin studios. She joined Pentagram
in 1991 where she designed corporate identity and environmental graphics.
Stefan Sagmeister:

In 1985 Sagmaister went to study at Pratt
Institute in New York. Tibor Kalman, of M&Co was the most influential person
of Stefan Sagmeister’s design life. In the 90’s he began to design for musical
heroes like Mick Jagger, Lou Reed, David Byrne, Jay-Z and a lot more. He used
printing and packaging tricks that involved laser-cuts, die-cuts, model
building and more. One of the clients that Sagmeister worked for are Rolling
Stones – CD cover Bridges to Babylon.
Sagmeister and Paula Scher are two of the graphic designers that are still
active till today and I think that they will be very significant in history because of their originality.
AIGA | Paula Scher . 2015. AIGA | Paula Scher . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 28 January 2015].
paula scher interview. 2015. paula scher interview. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 28 January 2015].
AIGA | Stefan Sagmeister . 2015. AIGA | Stefan Sagmeister . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 28 January 2015].