'Dada is what you can make out of yourself ' Hausmann 1968

John heartfield
Heartfield worked closely with the collegues George Grosz, Raoul Haismann and
Hannah Hoch. Heartfield pioneered the method of photomontage, photographing collages
assembled from magazines, newspapers and other media cuttings and printing the
final works in their own political Dada publications. Heartfield used art as a
weapon against the government’s authority.
Hannah Hoch
Hoch was known for her political collage and photomontage works. Hoch used images
and text from the mass media to criticise the Weimar German Government. Hannah
Hoch made the collage work from the inspiration of the work of Pablo Picasso.
Hoch focused her critist for works such as Das schone Madchen (The beautiful
girl) 1920.
Kurt Schwitters
was best known for his collage and assemblage works in which he transformed
appropriated imagery and text from print media into dynamic and layered
compositions. In 1918 he began making assemblages from materials found discarded
on the streets of his city.
Posters of today inspired by Dada:
Dada Movement, Artists and Major Works | The Art Story. 2014. Dada Movement, Artists and Major Works | The Art Story. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.theartstory.org/movement-dada.htm. [Accessed 02 November 2014].
John Heartfield Biography by Grandson, John J Heartfield. 2014. John Heartfield Biography by Grandson, John J Heartfield. [ONLINE] Available at:http://www.johnheartfield.com/John-Heartfield-Exhibition/helmut-herzfeld-john-heartfield/biography-german-artist-heartfield. [Accessed 02 November 2014].
Hannah Höch | 9 Artworks, Artist Biography | Artsy. 2014. Hannah Höch | 9 Artworks, Artist Biography | Artsy. [ONLINE] Available at:https://artsy.net/artist/hannah-hoch. [Accessed 02 November 2014].
Kurt Schwitters Biography - Infos - Art Market. 2014. Kurt Schwitters Biography - Infos - Art Market. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.schwitters-kurt.com/. [Accessed 02 November 2014].
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